الخميس، 10 أغسطس 2017

My Email is Missing - What Happened?

Let me tell you about my own experience with disappearing email. After rebooting my computer one day I went into my email program and discovered that all of the existing email folders, Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, and other local folders I had created had just disappeared. I suspected that I may have downloaded some software which had caused the problem.


You see, I was trying to protect my system from spy ware infiltration and so I had downloaded one of the more popular "freeware" solutions, a certain "anniversary" version, to ensure my system was protected. I had been using the same program for a long time, but one of the "automatic update" processes prompted me to upgrade to the newest free version.

Assuming the software to be safe, I downloaded the upgraded version and installed it on my PC. Within a day or two I had the major problem with my e-mail program, somehow the local files containing emails from the Inbox, Sent Items, etc. were all wiped clean! Not only that, but my email program was no longer configured to connect to my internet service provider's POP server. I also noticed that my web browser home page was changed to the default!

Fortunately I'm somewhat of a computer geek and I was able to recover most of my missing emails (after a lot of work and research!), but after a couple more reboots it happened again!

Since the only thing that had changed about the PC was this "upgraded" anti spy ware software, I immediately uninstalled it and decided to buy some anti spy ware software instead. I'm sure glad I did, the new program discovered some things on my PC that had gone undetected by the other program. I haven't experienced an email loss or browser page alteration ever since! While this may or may not be the cause of disappearing emails on your system, you should consider what new software you may have recently downloaded from the internet as one of the possible causes.

JMDC has been a programmer for over 4 years, specializing in web-based applications. To avoid the hassle of having your email disappear, make sure you're running the right anti spyware by visiting Premier Antispyware for more information. If you'd like to know more about better spy ware software, click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chuck_Ronson

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