الأحد، 10 ديسمبر 2017

Enjoy Etisalat Chatpak Using OpenVpn

Earlier on I explained how to connect Etisalat social plans using Tweakware to browse unlimitedly. 
Now we'll look at connecting it with OpenVpn.

Subscribe for any of the Plans
*200*3*4*2*1*1# Cost N100 
*200*3*4*2*2*1# Cost N300Enjoy
Download the latest OpenVpn from here
Note: Make sure you download the latest one above because its the one that works.Download etisalat Chat Pack configuration files

Once you download the file, unzip and move then to your parent folder.i.e SDcard
After installation, launch and select option >>import >> Import file from Sdcard. 

Select the files in .ovpn extension importing them one after the other. 

Select a server and username and password will be required. 
Openvpn password is changed every week, so you'll have to continually update the password from Ovpn Website. Although,username remains constant being vpnbook.
Here is the password for this week: t5baChus

Input username and password, connect and you're good to go. Unlike Tweakware it has no limited bandwidth. 


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