الأحد، 13 أغسطس 2017

Eduwise: A Sub-$400 Notebook PC by Intel

image At the on going fall Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in San Francisco, Intel CEO Paul Otellini introduced a sub-$400 “Classmate PC” code named Eduwise for the emerging markets.
The notebooks are ear marked for volume production from the first quarter of 2007.

The Eduwise features Intel Celeron M CPU paired with 915 GMS chipsets and a 7-inch WVXGA (800 X 480 LCD display. The model has 1 GB flash memory instead of HDD because Intel felt that in the hands of children’s the HDDs will not be able to survive the impacts and rough handlings. A 6-cell standard Lithium Ion battery is the power source.

The system will adopt the Windows XP embedded OS. As a threat deterrent, the notebook will come with asset-control software, so if it is out of the classroom for too many days, the notebook disables itself.

The Classmate will also sport a special version of Windows so as to prevent kids from accessing Internet sites programs that have not been designated by parents or teachers as off-limits.

The first batch of the notebooks will be distributed in Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria and India. The machine ranges in price from US$220 to US$300 most of the price variation will depend on the taxes in the individual country.


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