Motorola has launched the new Moto X Play in India, one of the two new Moto X models that were recently announced. The phone is priced at INR 18,499 ($278) for the 16GB model and INR 19,999 ($301) for the 32GB model. The phone will be available exclusively through Flipkart starting midnight, along with several launch day offers, including 100% cashback for random 100 Flipkart Ping users, Flipkart e-gift vouchers worth INR 1,000, movie vouchers worth INR 500 from BookMyShow, and multiple MakeMyTrip offers. These offers will be available till September 20, 2015.
The Moto X Play is the lesser of the new Moto X duo. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p LCD, octa-core Snapdragon 615, 2GB RAM, 16/32GB storage with microSD support, 21 megapixel rear camera with f2.0 aperture, phase detect autofocus, two tone dual LED flash, and 1080p video recording, 5 megapixel front facing camera, LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, dual SIM support, water repellant coating, 3630Ah battery, and Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.
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