الخميس، 11 يونيو 2015

How to Create your Own Theme for ASUS Zenfone 2

Today Asus Zenfone Blog will Create my Own Theme for ASUS Zenfone 2. It's easy to create your own theme, you can do it by yourself. I hope this tutorial will gain more  theme customization for ASUS Zenfone 2. 

Today ASUS Zenfone Blog will create ASUS ROG Zenfone 2 Theme.

Files to Download:

  1. JAVA SE (Choose your OS and Download x64 or x86) -> Download
  2. apktool, SignApk, XnConvert ->Download 
  3. Zenfone APK Themes (For modification) -> Download


  1. Install JAVA
  2. Extract apktool, apksign and XnConvert RAR
  3. Install XnConvert
  4. Extract SignAPK to a new folder
  5. Copy zenfone theme apk example to apktool folder
  6. On apktool folder press Shift+Right Click > Open Command Here
  7. At CMD Command type: apktool d zenROG.apk
  8.  Wait until complete, and there will be zenROG folder
  9. Then you can Replace icon, quick setting icon dll at res folder
  10. drawable-nodpi = Desktop and lock screen (.webp format, convert with xnConvert)
    drawable-sw360dp-xxhdpi = quick settings interface and function keys
    drawable-sw800dp-mdpi = Lock screen function keys
    drawable-xxxhdpi = application icon (icon)
  11. Modify Manifest.xml with your own theme configuration
  12. If you finished modified it. Packing apk, go to apktool folder, press SHIFT+Right Click > Open Command Here. at cmd type: apktool b zenROG
  13.  Then there will be ZenROG.apk at zenROF/dist folder
  14. Now Sign the apk using SignApk, copy zenROG.apk to SignApk folder
  15. Open CMD and type: java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 zenROG.apk zenROG_signed.apk wait until finish then will be new zenROG_signed.apk
  16. Done, Install it to your Zenfone 2

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