Yes, Infinix X551 Hot Note users have not been forgotten. What makes Android device awesome is the ability to tweak it to your taste. I guess you are tired of your present rom, hence you’ll love to try something new… Something new like Xiaomi MiUi v8 Global custom rom.
Note: This rom is based on Kitkat… You must be on stock kitkat before you flash this rom.
Features of Miui 8 custom rom for X551
Create scrolling screenshots - an amazing way to share information
· Calculate and convert almost anything with the redesigned Calculator
· Quick ball - the ultimate one-handed control tool
· Personalize your notes with beautiful templates
· Get your photos sorted for you with all-new Gallery
· Dual Apps - create and sign into dual accounts for any app, including WhatsApp, Facebook and more.
· Second space - perfect for times when you need a clear separation in your life
· Video Editing -spice up your videos with filters, text and background music
· Caller ID - automatically identify incoming numbers or find popular numbers when dialing out (India only)
· Hindi T9 - find contacts easily with T9 dialer search (India only)
· Enhanced SMS - SMS accounts of popular businesses now display logos and company names (India only)

MIUI 8 Global Stable ROM Full Changelog
Optimization - Sunlight display improvements (08-05)
New - Sound for delivered messages in the Settings (07-16)
Home screen
Optimization - Landscape mode for Task manager (07-08)
Optimization - Task Manager stability (07-13)
Optimization - UI details in Task Manager (07-22)
Optimization - Camera's image quality (08-08)
New - Automatic adjustments for photos when sharing (07-21)
New - Delete photos from device only when browsing offline albums (07-26)
New - Saved and available Wi-Fi networks appear first in the list (07-05)
File Explorer
Fix - Couldn't see files saved from dual apps (06-28)
Clock / Calculator
Optimization - Improved order for frequently used settings (07-01)
Fix - Quick ball disappeared in some cases (08-05
Before You Flash,
>>Make sure you Infinix X551 is rooted
>>Make sure you have Custom recovery installed on your device, e.g Philz touch
>>Back up your stock rom, before you proceed.
Where Can I Download it?
Download Miui V8 custom rom
hereHow to Flash The Rom?
>>Place the downloaded rom in the root of your external SD card
>>Boot to CWM Recovery Mode (Power Off your Phone and then Press Power Button + Volume Up Button until the Recovery)
>>Go to WIPE menu and select CLEAN TO INSTALL A NEW ROM, confirm when prompted
>>After the wiping is done, navigate to install menu and choose install zip from sdcard1
>>Navigate to the ROM zip and select it to flash... Wait for the flashing procedure to finish
>>Once flashing is done, REBOOT your device
You have now successfully installed MIUI 8 on your Infinix Hot Note X551. Please if you do have any question, don’t hesitate to ask.
Original Source: Yomiprof